The Seven Steps of Self Protection

The Seven Steps of Self Protection

What is the difference between self protection and self defense?

Self defense, like many words that are overused, has lost a clear definition. It can range from a legal term used to describe your actions in a dangerous situation to the name of the class being...

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How To Move Through Fear

Fear keeps us down. Fear is a constant drain on our energy and life but there is a way past it. Let me share a section of a letter we got from Cathy, a woman who attended one of our LIVE Seminars.

“I escaped being beaten but not the fear of being beaten. I did not escape the fear of...

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How LIVE Makes You Safe

All women live with the possibility of violence in their life. We’ve all heard the stories, seen violent situations, perhaps even felt the impact of violence ourselves. Violence against women is a sad and real prescence in our world. Working as a counselor, violence is an aspect Nichole...

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Why Not Self Defense?

The majority of self-defense courses are about fighting not escaping. These courses tend to be designed by men and generally utilize fighting concepts derived from three different areas: techniques and set forms from traditional martial arts; punching, kicking and grappling from competitive sport...

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Why Violence Evasion?

When developing LIVE: Lessons In Violence Evasion™ we determined the specific criteria any women’s program must have if it is to provide the greatest chance of success for the largest percentage of the female population.

  • The goal of the system has to be to escape and survive, not...
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The Origins of LIVE

Dennis Mahoney

I’ve been studying violence since the age of twelve when I began to play organized football. In these early years it seemed to me that bigger, stronger and meaner were the keys to success. I learned well and became good enough to earn a full scholarship to college...

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