What women say about LIVE.

“This could end violence against women!” --Louise H

“Thanks so much...this may well save one of our lives!” --Deborah C

“In the 30 years since my attack, I’ve never found a course that made sense. Until now.” --Tammy J

“I saw metaphysical transformations! Scowls and timid body language turned to bright-eyed hope and confident reactions. What a gift you provide.” --Laura T

“Having been in an abusive relationship, being able to work with a large man in a very safe and comfortable environment was life changing. I’m beginning to overcome my fear of men.” --Lynn R

“I was pleasantly surprised to find the instructions were never complicated…I suggest this course for anyone who wants to feel confident in any threatening situation and who does not have time to pursue training in martial arts.” --Debbie M

“What a tremendous experience. Three hours...a lifetime of self-preservation skills learned in one and a half Lifetime movies!” --Emma S

“Dennis and Theresa didn’t back down from any of the tough questions. They addressed them all. The best part was that the answer was usually exactly what we were learning.” --Lynda P

“Thanks so much for running the LIVE class at Shinobi Martial Arts. I felt that I definitely got my money's worth! I would love to know when you are going to do the next stage of this class.” --Donna B

“Dennis, Theresa and their team have a vision. They deserve our thanks for their commitment to teaching the public this method of escape and survival. They have spent years putting this program skillfully together with training, perseverance, dedication and hard work. A Safe Place highly recommends Lessons In Violence Evasion to any woman, school, college, business or organization.” --Judith M, A Safe Place Portsmouth NH

“Dennis and Theresa, your contribution and support for the Take Back the Night program is most appreciated. It wouldn’t have been a fulfilling night without your Lessons In Violence Evasion performance. The audience was captivated by it. What a wonderful lesson for women to learn. Thank you again.” --YWCA Crisis Service Staff, Manchester, NH

“Theresa and Dennis, thanks so much for teaching us Lessons In Violence Evasion. You made the day a great success. Thank you for your time and energy and showing us how it’s done. We all really loved it! Many thanks.”      --The Young Heroes Team, City Year, NH

“Very practical, great demos and practice drills. Serious stuff, but presented in a fun and acceptable way.” --Susan F

“Keep up the good work! I thought it was fun and informative without being too scary.” --Yvette N

“Why isn’t this being taught in school? This is what I want my daughter to learn.” --Carol L